How AWS Increased User Interactions on Its Website by 180,000 in One Week

With Amazon Web Services re:Invent right around the corner, AWS needed an innovative, visually engaging, interactive way to not just tell, but show their Global Cloud Infrastructure story in their booth, while also bringing the same story to life on their website. 

The business challenge included showcasing the power, breadth, and depth of the AWS solution, as the previous website struggled to communicate the full breath of their offering. To support its global footprint and ensure customers are served across the world, AWS maintains multiple geographic regions, including North America, South America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East. Currently there are 22 geographic regions, one local region, and even more in the works. With the great number of global centers, the value story was getting lost.

In order to overcome this business challenge, Kaon Interactive developed an interactive sales/marketing application to illustrate this complex, intangible, and global product offering that enables customers to understand the vastness and value of AWS’ infrastructure story that was shown on touchscreens in the AWS re:Invent booth. The application had more than 1,200 interactions during the show and, several months later, it received resounding praise at the AWS annual SKO meeting on how effective it is at delivering the power of their story. 

“I’m totally in love with this visualization of our global infrastructure. I talk about our global deployments in every single presentation and having a visualization like this will be a huge benefit for helping customers understand aws infrastructure” said Randall Hunt, Senior Technical Evangelist and Software Engineer at Amazon Web Services.

According to Time magazine, the average interaction time with a website is 15-seconds. With such a short span of time, it is now more important than ever to deliver a company’s value statement as crisply as possible, in a way that customers will understand and retain. With Kaon Interactive’s applications averaging a 3-minute and 14-second per user engagement time, (1300% more than the 15-second average website interaction time reported by Time magazine) AWS is able to increase website interaction times, transfer knowledge, create enthusiasm and ‘show’ their value story, in a way that customers find helpful and compelling.

AWS has seen users interacting with the application an average of 10 times per unique device, per week, and reported a staggering increase of user interactions on its website by 180,000 in the first week of launch. With the application, not only do users look at the content, they also ‘interact and engage’ with it, creating a more meaningful connection. 

Experience the AWS application or schedule a demo, to learn more.

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2 Responses to How AWS Increased User Interactions on Its Website by 180,000 in One Week

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